Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Veal Chops with Savory Blueberry Sauce

I absolutely LOVE veal chops, so when they're on sale, we almost always buy them.  As it was,
Sunset Foods had them on sale last week.  Luckily for us, I noticed that the Chicago Tribune had a blueberry sauce recipe for pork.  So I thought, why not for veal?
Well, it was a huge success!  Even Dan, who is not a big fan of sauces at home (he is when we dine out...can't figure that out) really enjoyed it!  We had a side of creamed spinach to accompany the chop, along with a nice tossed salad - the greens coming directly from the Kenosha Farmers Market.

For the sauce, melt a bit of butter in a small sauce pan.  When frothy, add several minced shallots and cook until translucent, but not brown.  Then add some thyme, balsamic vinegar and lime juice...reduce slightly.  Add a cup of blueberries a bit of salt & pepper and cook, just until the berries release their juices.  Ok, that's what the recipe said, but I think you could actually cook it longer until the berries soften even a bit more.  And a shot of dry vermouth wouldn't hurt this either.

Dan did a fantastic job of grilling the chops...tender, moist and extremely meaty - thanks, grill-man!

Anyhow, there was a tad of leftover sauce which I took to our butcher-friend Bill.  He was taking home some veal chops to cook for his wife that night.

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